Knowing The Scrum Framework: Simple and Structured

Resti Damayanti
3 min readJun 9, 2022

Scrum is a framework used to develop software. However, it is not uncommon for Scrum to be applied to complex product development with 3 principles of empiricism in the form of transparency which means the process must be visible to the people responsible for its impact, inspection which means monitoring progress towards the sprint goal, and adaptation which means changing as quickly as possible to achieve the goal and minimize deviation.

Unlike other frameworks that can work with many people, the Scrum framework only consists of a maximum of 5–10 people. The roles are a scrum master, product owner, and development team.

Photo by: Christina Morillo

Scrum Master

A leader who serves the scrum team. The Scrum master has the responsibility to introduce the scrum framework in the form of theory, practice, rules, and values.

Product Owner

A person who is responsible for maximizing the business value of the products produced by the development team, including managing the product backlog. On the other hand, the product owner has the power to cancel a sprint if the company changes course or the technology market changes.

Development Team

A group of people who have certain skills to work on the production backlog that has been compiled by the product owner. Although the product backlog is managed by the product owner, the development team is empowered to structure and manage their own work.

After discussing the existing roles, the agenda in the scrum framework includes:

Sprint Planning

A meeting that contains discussion activities regarding sprint planning which includes what work needs to be done in product development. The sprint planning time limit is 8 hours for one month duration.

Daily Scrum

A meeting session between members of the development team, which usually lasts 15 minutes each day with the aim of planning work for the next 24 hours and synchronizing work between development teams. Daily Scrum is required for the entire development team, while the scrum master and product owner are optional.

Sprint Review

This is a 4 hour agenda with a duration of 1 month which is attended by the scrum team and stakeholders to inspect the increments which then determine what actions need to be taken for product development. The sprint review is conducted before the sprint retrospective.

Sprint retrospective

An agenda that aims to assess the performance of each team member so that the next Sprint can run better, more effectively, and efficiently. In a sprint retrospective, Time writes down the strengths and weaknesses of the team, both as a whole and individually in a note. The characteristics of a sprint retrospective are usually the following questions:

1. What good things have happened during the previous Sprint?

2. What activities haven’t gone well during the previous Sprint?

3. What needs to be improved for the next Sprint?

After thoroughly discussing the role and agenda in scrum, you need to understand some of the terms commonly used in scrum, in the form of artifacts in scrum, including:

Increment -> Work output from the product backlog completed in a sprint

Product Backlog -> A list that has been sorted by priority. The product backlog contains the features, functions, requirements, improvements, and fixes that need to be applied to the product for future releases compiled by the product owner and executed by the development team.

Sprint Backlog -> A record that contains all the work that needs to be done by the development team to achieve the sprint goal. The sprint backlog can only be changed by the development team.

Here’s an article on the scrum framework. Many frameworks are offered such as Kanban and even scrumban, but the scrum framework is the ideal framework in my opinion to manage an application development based project due to its small number and structured planning.



Resti Damayanti

Every journey must have a story, because every story always make a great history